Help ADREAM while you shop online!
Check out these easy ways to help ADREAM earn money simply by continuing to shop online at your favorite online stores!
Amazon Smile is a way for you to select Animal Disaster Relief, Emergency Assistance and More, Inc. as your supported charity! Instead of going to to shop simply go to instead and select us as your charity. By doing this Amazon has agreed to make a donation to your selected charity simply for you shopping through rather than!!

I-Give is kind of like an online mall. It’s free to set up an account. Once you’ve created your personal account choose Animal Disaster Relief, Emergency Assistance and More, Inc. as your charity. Then browse through their extensive list of participating online retailers to find your favorite shops. You won’t have to spend any extra money. Instead, the retailer agrees to make a donation to your selected charity based on you shopping with them through I-Give!!
With eBay for Charity users can buy or sell to benefit a charity of their choosing, as long as that charity is registered with eBay.
Click this link to learn more about how eBay for Charity works.

Humble Bundle in an online media store for games, books, apps, etc where you pick what price you pay for certain things! Humble Bundle gives you the option of selecting a charity to support while you shop! Simply select Animal Disaster Relief, Emergency Assistance and More, Inc. as your charity and Humble Bundle will make a donation simply because you elected to support charity while shopping!