April 2024 Volunteer Tasks

Please see the assignments listed below. April is the beginning of a new quarter so everyone will have to sign up for tasks again. The task you sign up for in April will be your assigned task for April, May, and June (second quarter). You may sign up for the same task you had previously, but you may also sign up for something new if you would like.

If you do not sign up for a task listed below then you should be on item collection. Tracey hands out lists of items that ADREAM is in need of for people to collect and bring in.

If you have questions about the job board then please message us directly so we can get with you as soon as possible.

Tasks must be completed before your April distribution to qualify to pick up food in April unless you are expressly told otherwise by Dani or Tracey. You may turn items in at your distribution to complete your volunteer task and requirement for the month.

Here is a copy of the item list in case you did not receive one or misplaced your copy –

Item collection list to meet volunteer requirement:

  • Velcro
  • Sewing thread
  • Quart zip lock bags
  • Gallon zip lock bags
  • Canvas/plastic tote bags
  • Empty litter containers
  • Screws, any size (3 inch are a big need)
  • Hanging toilet bowl cleaner
  • Duct Tape
  • Hand Soap

You do not have to bring everything on the list for it to cover your volunteer requirement.

Sign up below...

LaFayette Distribution Helpers - February 13th @ 6:45pm - 8:15pm @ LaFayette Food City#1: Becky C.
#2: Vickie H.
#3: Maria Carol E.
Chatsworth Distribution Helpers - February 16th @ 6:45pm - 8:15pm @ Chatsworth Tractor Supply#1:
Rocky Face Distribution Helpers - February 20th @ 5:30pm - 7pm @ ADREAM Headquarters#1:
Fort Oglethorpe Distribution Helpers - February 23rd @ 6:45pm - 8:15pm @ Fort O Tractor Supply#1: Raymond R.
#2: Mitchell W.
Cleaning at ADREAM Headquarters - Can be done at Rocky Face Distribution or any Work Session#1:
Incoming Food Shipment Helpers - Dates Vary and will be shared with team as soon as possible; usually on a Saturday Morning#1: Laurie T.
Woodworking Projects#1: Kalei T.
#2: Tara M.
Sewing Projects#1: Sheilagh W.
Cricut (Vinyl) Projects#1:
Special Projects (Speak to Tracey before choosing this option)#1: Crystal M.
#2: Makayla B.
#3: Megan P.
#4: Tiffany S.
Work Session Helpers (Speak to Tracey before choosing this option)#1: Jewel L.
#2: Tamara & Ben W.
#3: Amy S.
#4: Jerry & Helen S.
#5: Ayla C.
#6: Hershella B.
#7: Barbara P.
#8: Adrienne S.
#9: Anita W.
#10: Tami F.
#11: Tiffany L.
#12: Sandra L.
#13: Janette G.
#14: Lisa R.
#15: Shirley & Kenneth H.
#16: Megan L.